
Heat Wave: Death comes to the city of extremes – Eric Klinenberg

THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1995 was the hottest day in Chicago’s history, with the temperature rising to 106 degrees and the heat index (a measure of heat and humidity) topping 120. On July 14 the temperature broke 100 again, and persistent tropical heat kept Chicago sweltering through the weekend. But the climate is only one of the reasons that Joseph Lazcko, a sixty-eight-year-old man of Hungarian descent, died alone in his Northwest Side apartment in the days that followed.

Published November 2002

माटो खोसिएको एउटा गाउँको कथा -Raju Syantang

हेर्दाहेर्दै झम्टेवीर तामाङको गाउँमा सबथोक फेरियो । उनी पहिला गाउँवासी थिए, अहिले नगरवासी भए । पहिला उनको गाउँमा गोरु र पाडाले तान्ने गडी गुड्थ्यो । अहिले कार गुड्छ । टुकी बत्ती विस्थापित भयो, बिजुलीबत्ती आयो । गाग्रीमा पानी बोक्नु परेन, घरघरमा नगरको धारा आयो । चिठी बोकेर हुलाक कार्यालय धाउनु परेन ।


Alana Hunt: All the violence within this features work produced for and made during Australia’s leading survey exhibition of contemporary art, The National 2021: New Australian Art. Shown for the first time in a regional context at the Port Hedland Courthouse Gallery+Studio, this moving body of work is a culmination of Hunt’s long-unfolding photographic series All the violence within this and In the national interest, and will feature commissioned audio of a conversation series that underpins Hunt’s practice as a whole.

‘लकडाउन’मा बाँचिरहेका बस्ती -Raju Syantang

चुरे : मधेस र पहाड जोड्ने सांस्कृतिक पुल हो । तर, यी बस्तीहरू हरेक वर्षाको बाढीले चुरेभित्रै थुनिन्छन् र अघोषित ‘लकडाउन’ मा बाँच्न विवश हुन्छन् । यो क्रम ८० वर्षदेखि जारी छ ।


Date of Publication: 2004-11-00

In 2003 the business group, Sahara India Pariwar, submitted an ambitious plan to the government of West Bengal proposing the creation of an enormous new tourism complex in the Sundarbans. Although the details of the plan have not been made available to the public, the broad outlines are described on the Sahara Parivar’s website…

This image – also featured on the Earth from Space video programme – was captured by Sentinel-2A on 18 March 2016.

जंगल खोस्यो, जमिन खोस्यो : अहिले बस्ती खोस्दै छ- Raju Syangten

डाँडागाउँको इतिहास दुई सय वर्षभन्दा पुरानो देखिन्छ । त्यो गाउँले भोक लाग्दा अन्न पाएन, बरु उल्टै राज्यले अन्न फल्ने जमिन खोस्यो । यो त्यही गाउँको भोगाइको कथा हो ।